The life and work of APEN members has changed - there are many challenges. Those who normally work in organisations are working from home if they can. Those who normally work from home have to stay home and not go out to see clients etc. We all need to work remotely and communicate on-line to stay in touch.
Below is some information - some general information from the Hort Innovation COVID-19 page, a link to the Global Forum of Rural Advisory Services COVID-19 page.
Do you have any stories, comments, tips, tricks or funnies to share? Please send them to Roe to upload them to this page. See below for contributions.
APEN Webinar - Monday 20 April, 2pm AEST - How to work remotely
How to work remotely! – to help with these challenging times – was presented by Cynthia Mahoney and Andrew Huffer. The link to the webinar recording is here.
Many APEN practitioners are experts in working remotely and there is a lot we can learn from each other to support ourselves, our teams, our clients and stakeholders during these tricky times. Cynthia Mahoney with co-host Andrew Huffer had a conversation about to make remote working successful with about 40 members and others. They shared tips, tricks and pitfalls, the "what" they were doing ie the technology being used, the "how" they're doing it ie their practices for making it work and the "who" they're doing it with ie which people they are connecting with.
Here's a link to a summary of the webinar and the chat box comments.
General COVID-19 information - from Hort Innovation COVID-19 page
- Get the basics on the novel coronavirus in this quick fact sheet from the Department of Health
- Be sure to follow all national and state requirements regarding social distancing and home isolation
- Be alert for the symptoms of the illness, which include:
- Fever
- Coughing
- Sore throat
- Fatigue
- Shortness of breath
- Use the HealthDirect online symptom checker if you’re not sure: You can also use the Department of Health’s chart for telling novel coronavirus from other illnesses at
- Call the National Coronavirus Helpline for advice on 1800 020 080 if you’d like to talk to someone about your symptoms or, if you need to seek medical advice, be sure to call the doctor or hospital before attending in person
- If you’re experiencing a medical emergency including difficulty breathing or turning blue, call triple zero (000)
- The Department of Health’s COVID-19 health alert page offers daily updates on the status of Australia’s COVID-19 situation and response at
- The Department of Health also has 30+ clear fact sheets on COVID-19, available from
Mental wellbeing and support
It’s important we all look after ourselves during this strange and potentially very stressful time.
- The Head to Health website ( is a national initiative with specific information on COVID-19 support
- The World Health Organization has this fact sheet on coping with stress during the COVID-19 outbreak and this separate resource for helping children cope with the situation
- The FarmHub website has details, links and phone numbers for a range of mental health services, including those specific to rural areas, at
If you are thinking about suicide, for 24/7 support call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467. If your life is in danger, call 000.
The Wellness in Tough Times Nebraska team, Susan Harris, WTT Team Lead, Educator – Rural Health, Wellness, and Safety, Soni Cochran, Extension Assistant, Kerry Elsen, 4-H Extension Educator, Kayla Hinrichs, Extension Educator, Michelle Krehbiel, Youth Development Specialist, Brandy VanDeWalle, Extension Educator presented Nebraska Extension Wellness in Tough Times Project.
They have provided the following resources:
- Pdf of the powerpoint presentation
- Newsletter/mailer - Start the Conversation - Are you feeling stressed?
- Newsletter/mailer - Start the Conversation - Are you feeling stressed? - Fall
- Pdf of the wallet card
The Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS)
GFRAS has provided information on e-extension, re-inventing value chains and safety measures during COVID-19. The link is available here.
Stories, comments, tips, tricks or funnies from APEN members and others to share.
- ‘Five quick tips for keeping teams engaged' - Andrew Huffer WA - Link to short blog and video.
- A great resource from Hort Innovation on Remote Extension Tips and Tools can be accessed from here.
- FAO has developed a wave of publications on COVID-19 response, including one on Extension and Advisory Services. I am pleased to share with you a policy brief on Extension and Advisory Services: at the frontline of the response to COVID-19 to ensure food security.